Patterns and Impacts of Korea\Patterns and Impacts of Korea's Cultural Exports: Focused on East Asia Jeong Gon Kim Se Young Ahn
During the period from 1996-2008, Korea’s cultural exports have gradually increased. This has especially been the case from 2001-2008, where, as the Trade Intensity Index
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Sportsimpacts print and radioSportsimpacts print and radio
Patrick addresses ways that football and baseball facilities can be utilized out of season in order to maximize their use so as to increase the returns from public investments into such facilities
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Experimenting with Virtual Reality in a University LibraryExperimenting with Virtual Reality in a University Library
Library. This pilot project existed as part of a greater movement driven by the University’s Technology Services division1, and allowed an examination of how established groups could best exploit a technology on the very forefront of
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Artificial Intelligence, or ai, is the ability of a computer to act like a human being. It has several applications, including software simulations and robotics
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Light of Other DaysLight of Other Days
This Irish writer Bob Shaw's most noted short story. He is the author of Night Walk, The Palace of Eternity, Ground Zero Man, Orbitsville, and a wreath of Stars, among other novels
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Replaying history: learning world history through playingReplaying history: learning world history through playing
Accepted by the Graduate Faculty, Indiana University, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
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Does ‘Good Government’ Draw Foreign Capital? Explaining China’s Exceptional fdi inflow Joseph P. H. Fana, Randall Morckb, Lixin Colin Xuc, and Bernard Yeungd AbstractDoes ‘Good Government’ Draw Foreign Capital? Explaining China’s Exceptional fdi inflow Joseph P. H. Fana, Randall Morckb, Lixin Colin Xuc, and Bernard Yeungd Abstract
Does ‘Good Government’ Draw Foreign Capital? Explaining China’s Exceptional fdi inflow
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Abstracts/ les résumés Friday / Vendredi, November 6 Public Lecture / Conférence publiqueAbstracts/ les résumés Friday / Vendredi, November 6 Public Lecture / Conférence publique
Regulating the transnational flow of knowledge in research universities today: The role of the U. S. national security state after 9/11
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Mobile ApplicationsMobile Applications
Indeed, the availability of a wide choice of apps can be critical to the commercial success of new smartphones. Even as more smartphones are sold
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This is to certify that Arvind yadav student of second semester, Master of Business administration (mba) in the year 2008 2010 has completed the project report work entitled “Automobile” based on syllabus and has submitted a satisfactory account of his work in
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Is the Mark Inherently Distinctive? 4Is the Mark Inherently Distinctive? 4
Elements: Ownership, Valid Trademark (Consider: genericness and limitations), Used in Commerce, Infringed, No Defense
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Table of Contents page 1Table of Contents page 1
October 2003. The focus of this paper is on the key technologies that have made Mac os X panther a technical success such as cpu scheduling, symmetric multiprocessing, memory protection
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Introduction The Component Object Model (com) is a software architecture that allows applications to be built from binary software components. Com is the underlying architecture that forms the foundation for higher-level software servicesIntroduction The Component Object Model (com) is a software architecture that allows applications to be built from binary software components. Com is the underlying architecture that forms the foundation for higher-level software services
Ole ole services span various aspects of commonly needed system functionality, including compound documents, custom controls, interapplication scripting, data transfer, and other software interactions
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The indie game industry has seen a rise in recent years with the growth of new online distribution systems and the mobile game market. The first video games were developed in the 1960s
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Chapter 7 – Marketing the Olympic MovementChapter 7 – Marketing the Olympic Movement
Athens Olympic Games. A wealthy Greek benefactor, George Averoff provided nearly 65% of the Games’ budget. Additional revenue was generated by companies advertising in the souvenir programme, one of which was Kodak
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